Saturday, January 23, 2010

Still makes me smile

Individual Opera Cakes
Hazelnut Jaconde, Coffee Buttercream and Ganache
made for the Tucson Symphony Orchestra's New Years Eve Dinner

This was supposed to be a team effort and then somebody flaked out on me. In 2 days (26 hours on the time clock); I baked 20 sheets of cake, made 50 lbs of coffee buttercream, 35lbs of ganache and assembled 204 of these little monsters. I went home sticky & cranky but feeling like I had won a major war. The day of the BQT I ganached them, piped on the treble clef signs and pretty much plopped down for a nap. I did have help plating them during which Cook Flaky tried to take credit for making them. Before I could hiss, bare my teeth or pounce 2 people loudly and forcefully declared this false. I just love it when your people got your back, dont you?


  1. So pretty and yummy looking.
    Bad Chef Flaky. :P

  2. WOOT! I'm so glad that they had your back. Although, I'd be very willing to jump Chef Flaky in a dark alley if ever you need it. :)

  3. Those are so gorgeous becca!!! You work so hard!
